March 17, 2025 Update
Demo boards are back in stock and are available on our eBay store. Sheesh, these sold out in about 36 hours. We have purchased and will be building yet another batch. Watch our eBay store and I'm sure our volunteer will post on TekScopes when available.
March 15, 2025 Update
Demo boards are back in stock and are available on our eBay store.
February 2025 Update
Demo boards are back! A volunteer has pulled together the materials and built a quantity of these boards. They are now were available on our eBay store. With no advertising, we've sold out of our stock of 25 in the first 24 hours. We will be busy building up a second batch for sale soon. We'll post an update here and watch our eBay store. Thank you to all who purchased. We'll try to get these shipped soon.
June 2024 Update
The demand for these vintageTEK Demo Boards has dropped to the point it no longer makes it viable for us to source them. We have released the schematic, instructions, hex file, and fuse links so you can make your own.
This is NOT the current version with the menu, but rather an earlier version which displays the Wizard and the Tek Bug.
Two images stand out in representing Tektronix and its legacy. One is the "Tek Bug" which first used a round CRT and was later updated to a rectangular CRT as shown on this front panel logo.
The other image is the "Wizard" which was shown on the vertical amplifier schematic in the 454 manual because this fast circuitry was magical.
The Wizard was also listed in the parts list.
A menu selects the operating mode.
These are the four images it will display.
(It now shows a moving sine wave instead of a square wave)
This is the screen of the interactive 2 person table tennis.
Click the link to view the documentation that ships with the demo board.
Here are some enthusiastic kids playing tennis at the museum on a 465 oscilloscope.
Alan Wolke on his w2aew YouTube Channel uses the demonstrator board to compare differences in XY mode on analog and digital oscilloscopes.
In fact, this demonstrator board looks great even on a competitor's scope as shown in this photo sent to the museum by a happy customer.