These are different miscellaneous Tektronix publications. Click on the links below to view the page.
About Tektronix ~1959 overview of the company
Annual Report Letters To Shareholders
Employee Handbook circa 1956
Export Department Brochure 1950s overview of Tektronix with overseas distributor listing
No One Has Ever Really Found The Limits Of Human Ability 1978 company overview
Primer of Waveforms and their Oscilloscope Display 1960
Some Basic Vacuum Tube Circuits Used In Tektronix Instruments Sept 1964
Some Notes and Applications on Tunnel Diodes by Jack Day
Technology Update Oscilloscopes
Tek Times (UK newsletter)
TekTopics (Guernsey newsletter)
Tektronix Basic Instrument Selection Guide 1996
Tektronix Electronic Assemblers' Orientation Booklet 1976
Tektronix Storage Instruments Selection Guide 1981
The TC Eye (Tek Canada Newsletter)
Troubleshooting Your Oscilloscope
Using Your Oscilloscope Probe (undated)