Science Geek Out Fest 2023
We had an exhibit on June 4th at the Beaverton City Library Science Geek Out Fest. Volunteers Dave Brown, Phil Crosby Pat Green, and Bob Haas staffed the exhibit. We expanded our exhibit to two tables which held our Microphone and Scope, 4051 Graphic Desktop Computer, Time of Flight, Scope Artist, Emmy, Table Tennis, and our Wave Synthesizer. All but the Emmy were quite popular.
This was our third year of attending the event which draws a large crowd.
The booth was well attended with students of all ages.
Volunteer Pat Green helps a student look at her voice with the microphone.
Science Geek Out Fest 2022
The Beaverton City Library held their Science Geek Out Fest on July 10, 2022 after an absence of two years due to Covid. The vintageTEK museum had a booth at the event. Volunteers Bob Haas and Tom Goodapple staffed the event with three hands-on exhibits - our Oscilloscope Artist, Oscilloscope Table Tennis, and our Time of Flight.
As with our previous experience, the young attendees got plenty of hands-on experience with these exhibits.

Volunteer Tom Goodapple awaits the opening of the event
Science Geek Out Fest 2019
The vintageTEK museum participated in the Beaverton City Library Science Geek Out Fest on April 20, 2019 with a booth. Volunteers Bob Haas and Pat Green staffed the event with three hands-on exhibits.
Our Demo Board exhibit where contestants can play table tennis against each other was a big hit. When the contestants tired of playing with the joystick there were plenty of buttons and knobs on the 465 oscilloscope to keep them busy.
Our Scope Art exhibit has a number of knobs and switches to keep their inquisitive minds busy and they created a number of dazzling displays. Like the table tennis, our young participants decided there were even more knobs and buttons on the 465 to try out.
We introduced a new time-of-flight exhibit using a marble and a chute. The 1/2 meter chute has an optical beam and sensor at the top and bottom which will display transit time on a 7633 storage oscilloscope. Our marble velocity runs about 1 m/sec.
All in all it was a very rewarding day with lots of young scientists being introduced to electronics, technology, and oscilloscopes.