This Type 564 Storage Scope was introduced in 1962 and brought significant new capability to the market by being able to display single shot events. There is additional information on storage CRTs on 564 Storage CRT Development and on the inventor Bob Anderson.
This August 10, 1962 Electronics ad describes a bit about the 564.
This ad is from the 1962 WESCON show.

This Spring 1967 TekTalk features one such application and utilizes the split screen capability.
This April 1966 ServiceScope features how to use a storage scope. Click on the image to view the PDF.
The September 10, 1965 issue of Life magazine featured a cover article on Control Of Life with a photo of the Type 654 Storage Oscilloscope. Click on the image to view a larger resolution PDF.
This November 12,1965 TekWeek article features the Life magazine story.
The 1966 Annual Report has a page showing Field Engineer reports of which several are for the 564.
Our 564 oscilloscope on display at the museum has two unique plug-ins, the Type 3A5 Amplifier and the Type 3B5 Time Base which were introduced in 1966.
These two plug-ins interface to the Type 263 Programmer, also introduced in 1966, which has six presets. These presets were designed to automate different scope settings such as used in a manufacturing test environment.
When the Programmer is Off the scope can be used in Seek mode where it will autoset the horizontal and vertical automatically which is shown in the top photo.
The display is quite interesting. This is pre-digital displays so Tek designed their own rear-lit panels with the digits 5120 and a decimal point. The amplifier has K, m, and V prefixes for voltage and the words AC, DC, WITH PROBE, UNCAL, and DIV. The Time Base has u, m, and S prefixes and the words MAG'D, SWP, NOT TRIG'D, UNCAL, and DIV. Innovative for the era.
Note that the horizontal and vertical position controls are thumb wheels instead of knobs. Later this style of thumb wheels would be used for graphic input (GIN) in the 4010 family of Graphics Terminals.
These March and August 1966 brochures describes the 2A5, 3B5, and the 263 Programmer. Click on the images to view the PDF.