Cliff Moulton was an engineer hired in the 1950s and started at the Hawthorne plant. This is a photo of Cliff and his wife MariLe at Sunset that was used in a "Tek Twosome" article.  Cliff is holding what appears to be some sort of digitizer and a gun test tube. MariLe is holding a T5? CRT.

In the lower left corner is a CRT test set. The beam current meter is in the plastic box floating at the faceplate potential of several  thousand volts. In the upper right appears to be a life test rack as there are few controls. They would operate continuously testing the CRTs over a 6 - 12 month time.

This January 1953 Electronics article, authored by Cliff, features the 524. Click on the image to view the PDF.


This is the "Tek Twosome" article from the November 5, 1954 issue of TekTalk.

Cliff was named in a number of The Oregonian articles related to Sputnik. This article is from the October 18, 1957 issue of The Oregonian.


This article is from the October 22, 1957 issue of The Oregonian.


This article is from the November 4, 1957 issue of The Oregonian.


This article is from the November 7, 1957 issue of The Oregonian.


This article is from the November 9, 1957 issue of The Oregonian.


This article is from the November 14, 1957 issue of The Oregonian. Click on the image to view the PDF.


Cliff did a number of designs related to television and later transitioned to designing integrated circuits. This May 26, 1986 TekWeek article describes his career. Click on the image to view the PDF.