Amateur radio is commonly known as “ham radio” and the operators as "hams". As you might imagine, electronics oriented companies such as Tektronix and its subsidiaries had a number of hams employed.
This May 1957 TekTalk article features Ham Club news including the name change to TERAC.
This August 1957 TekTalk article features participation in the ARRL National Field Day contest.
This December 19, 1975 TekWeek article features Tektronix hams bouncing radio waves off the moon. Click on the image to view the PDF.
This July 21, 1978 TekWeek article features Tektronix hams. Click on the image to view the PDF.
This August 6, 1982 TekWeek article features an article on TERAC (Tektronix Employees Radio Amateur Club). Click on the image to view the PDF.
This August 5, 1983 TekWeek article features an article on TERAC. Click on the image to view the PDF.
Following is a list of hams that have been identified as an employee at one time or another at Tektronix or a subsidiary. It is probable that the list is not complete. If you know of someone who has been missed contact Don Tucker. Emails of the listed employee hams are not shown to prevent access by spammers, but are available for many. Contact Don Tucker if you need one at Click on the image to view the PDF document. Revised December 31, 2024.
TERAC started as the Tektronix Employees Radio Amateur Club and Tektronix printed QSL cards for the members. Samples can be seen on our TERAC QSL Card Program page.
During the few years when Lang Hedrick was the Tektronix Representative to Sony/Tektronix, he put together an amateur radio club. With the support of Masanobu Tada, the President and Chair of the Board of Sony/Tektronix who was also a ham, they appropriated a room in a tower on top the Sony/Tektronix building at Shinagawa and erected an antenna.