This April 13, 1984 TekWeek article features Tektronix' research on gallium arsenide (GaAs) and eventually became the Gallium Arsenide Strategic Business Unit (GaAs SBU).
In 1985 this group became TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc.
This April 24, 1987 TekWeek features TriQuint's introduction of the first commercial GaAs DAC (Digital to Analog) converter.
This September 24, 1987 TekWeek features TriQuint's introduction of a 3,000 gate integrated circuit.
This September 25, 1987 TekWeek article discusses the plans and results of several component group spinouts. Click on the image to view the PDF.
This January 28, 1988 TekWeek article announces a GaAs foundry service for high speed designs.