4051 Maxirom Now Available
This is a rompack for the Tektronix 4051 that incorporates the functions of 10 rompacks, including some that were never released. The following functions are included:
- R01 - Matrix Functions
- R02 - Binary Program Loader
- R06 - Editor
- R07 - Signal Processing I
- R08 - Signal Processing II
- R12 - Graphics Enhancement
- R14 - GPIB Enhancement
- DDT51.8 Debugger
- Extended Basic
- Extended Fonts
Also included is a CD with User's Guides for Matrix Functions, Binary Loader, Debugger, Editor, Signal Processing I, Graphics Enhancement and GPIB enhancement.
The circuit board and electrical components are new. The case is reclaimed from an old rompack. It is available on our eBay store.